Unsupervised learning of manifold models for neural coding of physical transformations in the ventral visual pathway (bibtex)
by M. Connor and C. Rozell
Unsupervised learning of manifold models for neural coding of physical transformations in the ventral visual pathwayM. Connor and C. Rozell. December 2016.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = 	 {Connor, M. and Rozell, C.},
  title = 	 {Unsupervised learning of manifold models for neural coding of physical transformations in the ventral visual pathway},
  booktitle =	 {Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) Workshop, Brains and Bits: Neuroscience Meets Machine Learning},
  year =	 2016,
  address =	 {Barcelona, Spain},
  month =	 dec
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