Short-Term Memory Capacity in Recurrent Networks via Compressed Sensing (bibtex)
by A. Charles, H.L. Yap and C.J. Rozell
Short-Term Memory Capacity in Recurrent Networks via Compressed SensingA. Charles, H.L. Yap and C.J. Rozell. May 2012.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = 	 {Charles, A. and Yap, H.L. and Rozell, C.J.},
  title = 	 {Short-Term Memory Capacity in Recurrent Networks via Compressed Sensing},
  booktitle =	 {Janelia Farm Conference on Machine Learning, Statistical Inference, and Neuroscience},
  year =	 2012,
  address =	 {Ashburn, VA},
  month =	 {May},
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