Coding consequences of activity propagation from sensory and artificial stimulation of neural circuits (bibtex)
by D.C. Millard, C. Rozell and G.B. Stanley
Coding consequences of activity propagation from sensory and artificial stimulation of neural circuitsD.C. Millard, C. Rozell and G.B. Stanley. February 2014.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = 	 {Millard, D.C. and  Rozell, C. and Stanley, G.B.},
  title = 	 {Coding consequences of activity propagation from sensory and artificial stimulation of neural circuits},
  booktitle =	 {Computational and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE) Meeting},
  year =	 2014,
  address =	 {Salt Lake City, UT},
  month =	 {February}
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