All-optical nanoscale pH meter: a plasmonic nanodevice with quantifiable output (bibtex)
by S.W. Bishnoi, C.S. Levin, C.J. Rozell, B.R. Johnson, D.H. Johnson and N.J Halas
All-optical nanoscale pH meter: a plasmonic nanodevice with quantifiable outputS.W. Bishnoi, C.S. Levin, C.J. Rozell, B.R. Johnson, D.H. Johnson and N.J Halas. October 2006. Invited paper
Bibtex Entry:
  author = 	 {Bishnoi,S.W.  and Levin,C.S. and Rozell,C.J. and Johnson,B.R. and Johnson,D.H. and Halas, N.J},
  title = 	 {All-optical nanoscale {pH} meter: a plasmonic nanodevice with quantifiable output},
  booktitle =	 {Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the {IEEE} Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (IEEE LEOS)},
  year =	 2006,
  address =	 {Montreal, Canada},
  month =	 {October},
  note =	 {Invited paper}
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