Rigorous guarantees on sequence memory capacity in recurrent neural networks using randomized dimensionality reduction (bibtex)
by A. Charles, H.L. Yap, D. Yin and C. Rozell
Rigorous guarantees on sequence memory capacity in recurrent neural networks using randomized dimensionality reductionA. Charles, H.L. Yap, D. Yin and C. Rozell. October 2018.
Bibtex Entry:
    author = 	 {Charles, A. and Yap, H.L. and Yin, D. and Rozell, C.},
    title = 	 {Rigorous guarantees on sequence memory capacity in recurrent neural networks using randomized dimensionality reduction},
    booktitle =	 {Theoretical Foundation of Deep Learning},
    year =	 2018,
    address =	 {Atlanta, GA},
    month =	 oct
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