Electrophysiological features of subcallosal cingulate cortex in patients with treatment-resistant depression (bibtex)
by S. Alagapan, V. Tiruvadi, M. Sendi, A. Waters, A. Veerakumar, M. Obatusin, A. Crowell, P. Riva Posse, R. Butera, H. Mayberg and C. Rozell
Electrophysiological features of subcallosal cingulate cortex in patients with treatment-resistant depressionS. Alagapan, V. Tiruvadi, M. Sendi, A. Waters, A. Veerakumar, M. Obatusin, A. Crowell, P. Riva Posse, R. Butera, H. Mayberg and C. Rozell. October 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = 	 {Alagapan, S. and Tiruvadi, V. and Sendi, M. and Waters, A. and Veerakumar, A. and  Obatusin, M. and Crowell, A. and  Riva Posse, P. and  Butera, R. and  Mayberg, H. and Rozell, C.},
  title = 	 {Electrophysiological features of subcallosal cingulate cortex in patients with treatment-resistant depression},
  booktitle =	 {Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Annual Meeting},
  year =	 2019,
  address =	 {Chicago, IL},
  month =	 oct
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